Weekly Events at the Hall
5-6pm Circuits
6-7pm Pilates
details below
From 5.15pm Term time only Salop Korean Martial Arts details below
6-7pm Yoga see details below
7.30pm Indoor Bowls
5.45pm Term time only Salop Korean Martial Arts
First Friday of month
7.30pm Bingo
Last Friday of month
7.30pm Whist
5.45pm Term time only
Salop Korean Martial Arts
Circuits Monday evenings 5-6pm with Cerys Jones
A really fun session with a variety of equipment and upbeat music to keep you moving. Encouraging and enthusiastic teaching but allows you to take the class at your own pace.
Booking link https://bookwhen.com/cerysjonesfitness
For more info email: cerysopal@gmail.com
Pilates Monday evenings 6-7pm with Cerys Jones
A relaxing session to stretch and engage muscles to build flexibility, strength and body awareness, a low impact gentle class that leaves attendees feeling calm and quite often ready for a nap!
Booking link https://bookwhen.com/cerysjonesfitness
For more info email: cerysopal@gmail.com
Yoga with Kelly
A gentle one hour yoga flow class focussing on breath work, flexibility, strength and relaxation.
All abilities welcome.
Wednesday evenings 18:00 - 19:00
£7 per class
For any further information please contact Kelly on 07814142527 or email kellyclarkyoga@gmail.com
Weekly Martial Arts Class
Salop Korean Martial Arts self defence classes for children from 3 years, term time only.
5.15pm Little Lions 3-6 years
5.45pm Main Class 5 years +
Tuesday evenings as above
Thursday evenings 5.45pm Main Class only
Sunday evenings 5.45pm Main Class only
For further details call Tony Richardson on 07775724447 or email salopkma@gmail.com
Monthly Events at the Hall
Calligraphy With Shropshire Scribes
Why not try your hand at calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing? Shropshire Scribes is a group that hold Saturday workshops from 10am to 1pm once a month at Harmer Hill Village Hall.
If you would like to know more about us or join us for a workshop you can get further details from our website:
or contact our Treasurer, Rachel Pocock on 01939 260855 or talk to our Chairman, Peter Furniss on 01743 355384
Monthly Tote Results
Village Tote
Committee members are currently out and about collecting the annual Tote fees of £10 per entry.
Bi-monthly draws pay out the following prize money:
£70 First prize
£35 Second prize
£25 Third prize
Plus an extra draw at Christmas!
All residents are eligible to join. The cost is £10 per year per number.
Contact Ruth on 01939 290267 or 07973665641
for details.
All monies raised contribute to the maintenance and improvement of facilities at the village hall for the benefit of the local community.
The January draw was made at the Committee Meeting on 7th January and the winners were:
£70 1st Prize No. 14 Pascal Philippot
£35 2nd Prize No. 97 Kay Clark
£25 3rd Prize No. 26 Marjorie Furnival
Future Events at the Village Hall
Afternoon Tea Party
at the Village Hall
Saturday 26th April 3pm
selection of freshly made sandwiches
home-made cakes
unlimited tea or coffee
Raffle prizes
Tickets Adults £7.50
Child under 12 £5.00
Call Linda to book on
01939 290094 or